Men's Outdoor Apparel Company & Alaska Non-Profit Team Up To Support Muskox & Wildlife Conservation

MuskOx & AWCC Partnership

Inspired by a shared passion for outdoor adventure and support of wildlife, a new cause marketing partnership has been formed between MuskOx, a high-quality men’s apparel company, and the AWCC, a non-profit organization that supports muskox and wildlife conservation in Alaska.  The two organizations have established a partnership where as customers buy MuskOx apparel, the clothing brand will donate money to the AWCC to support muskox and wildlife conservation efforts in Alaska.  

MuskOx customers will get both high-quality clothes and peace of mind from knowing their purchase supported American wildlife. Bradley Hoos, the founder of MuskOx offered the following about the partnership:  “MuskOx men love the outdoors and the only thing better than getting great gear for adventure is knowing that the purchase also has a positive impact on the outdoors.  The AWCC does a fantastic job supporting Alaska wildlife and we couldn’t be more excited to support their conservation and education efforts.” Bradley Hoos

For every $100 purchase, MuskOx will donate $10 to the AWCC. In addition, MuskOx will feature the AWCC on their website and update customers on the ongoing conservation efforts from the AWCC. The AWCC will also sell MuskOx apparel in their gift shop and offer discounts on MuskOx gear to the highest tiers of AWCC donors. 

“We are always looking for creative ways to increase awareness about the importance of wildlife. Partnering with a fantastic brand that named itself after wildlife and putting its money where its mouth is when it comes to conservation is a unique opportunity. We’re very excited about growing with MuskOx as the brand continues to help its customers prepare for outdoor adventure.” said Trish Baker, the Interim Executive Director at the AWCC. 

To learn more about the partnership between MuskOx & the AWCC, you can visit

More About the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center (AWCC)

The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center is a sanctuary dedicated to preserving Alaska’s wildlife through conservation, education, research, and quality animal care. AWCC takes in orphaned and injured animals, most of whom become permanent residents since they lack the skills or abilities to survive on their own. These animals become education ambassadors for their species. AWCC encompasses over 200 acres that allow resident wildlife to live in spacious, natural habitats where animals feel at home and display their natural wild behaviors.